According to The Livonian Rhymed Chronicle, one of the biggest battles between Samogitians and Livonian Brothers of the Sword was the Battle of Saule, which took place on September 22, 1236 and finally destroyed the military force of the Livonian Order of Brothers of the Sword. Historians’ opinions on the location of the battlefield differ. According to a widespread version, the battle took place in Lithuania, north of Šiauliai, in Jauniūnai village, at the confluence of the rivers Mūša and Tautinis. According to another version, the battle took place, Latvia. The Livonian Order of Brothers of the Sword, soldiers from Pskov and christened Estonians, Livs and Latgalians on one side fought against an unknown number of Samogitians, Lithuanians and Semigallians on the other side. Lithuanians attacked the Order and allied troops unexpectedly. This surprised Brothers of the Sword so much that they began to flee. Then, the fleeing troops were attacked by Semigallians. All Brothers of the Order were killed in the battle. After the battle, the Livonian Order of Brothers of the Sword joined the Teutonic Order. It may be that namely this victory allowed Mindaugas to gain a foothold and to further increase his power. Since 2000, Latvia and Lithuania have been celebrating September 22 as the Balts’ Unity Day.
