In ancient times, before humans began to engage in agriculture, wild horses, auroxen and bisons were a common component of the landscape. The horses were 1,2 to 1,3 m tall and chubby, with a dark stripe across their backs, zebra-type stripes on their legs, and a dark mane and tail. Some wild horses could be found in the Baltic territory during the Middle Ages, but they were completely gone by the 19th century. The recovery of such horses can be attributed to a Polish professor who selected the domesticated horses which most resembled their wild ancestors and began to use their genes to adjust their essence. The first 18 wild horses were brought to the Pape nature park in 1999, and that was the first place where the animals were released into pasture. Each spring new colts are born near Lake Pape, and the number of horses is now close to 100. Wild cattle - auroxen joined the wild horses in 2004. The role of these large herbivores has been and remains essential in that this facilitates the emergence of biologically diverse meadows and supports the existence of other plants and animals. If you visit the pasture, you can access the shores of Lake Pape, where you will find a truly impressive and surreal landscape. The lake is less than a kilometre away from the Baltic Sea. It is a lagoon-type lake that is only 0,5 m deep and is overgrown. Between the reeds you may spot two enormous rocks, and if you’re feeling a sense of daring, you can wade through the shallow water to get to them. There’s another massive stone in the wetland meadows that are on the eastern shore of Lake Pape, and that one used to be an object of veneration during cult rituals. Documents from the 13th century cite the holy lake of Duvzare, and it is thought that the reference may be to Lake Pape. You can purchase tickets to visit the grazing area at the information kiosk that is at the entrance of the territory. A well-informed nature park guide will help you get right up close to the herds of horses and cattle. The tour will take approximately one hour.
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